Types of companies in Sweden
- Limited liability company (Aktiebolag – AB)
- Responsibility
- Minimum capital
- Min. number of shareholders
- Recommended for
- Limited liability company (Aktiebolag – AB)
- Limited
- 45,000 €
- Sole proprietorship (Enskild näringsidkare)
- Unlimited
- No min.
- Sole holder
- Partnership (Handelsbolag – HB)
- Unlimited
- No min.
- Associates
- Limited partnership (Kommanditbolag)
- Unlimited
- No min.
- Associates
Corporate tax rate in Sweden
In Sweden, the corporate tax rate is 21.4%. In December 2020 it should be lowered to 20.6%.
Why should I incorporate my company in Sweden?
- Sweden boasts from an opened, diversified and competitive economy.
- Demography is dynamic.
- Public finances are stable.
- The country is specialized in technological product and sustainable economy.
Which difficulties can be encountered in Suede?
- The real estate market is strained.
- Households are very indebted.
- Banking concentration is high.
Which are the cultural specificities of the world of work in Sweden?
- Hierarchy is horizontal in Sweden; everyone is called by their first name.
- No decision is taken without the consensus of the entire team.
- Overtime is badly perceived; it shows a lack of organization.
- Every delay is considered as incorrect; it can have consequences on the reputation of the company (capacity to respect deadlines etc.).
- Too formal clothing should be avoided.