Types of companies in Spain
- Limited liability company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada)
- Responsibility
- Minimum capital
- Min. shareholders
- Recommended for
- Limited liability company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada)
- Limited
- 3,000 €
- 1
- SMEs
- Public limited company(Sociedad Anonima)
- Limited
- 60,000 €
- 1
- Big companies
- Partnership (SociedadRegular Colectiva)
- UnLimited
- No
- 1
- SMEs
- Limited partnership (Sociedad en Comandita Simple)
- Two situations
- No
- 1
- –
Corporate tax rate in Spain
Corporation tax in Spain is at 25%. Moreover for new entrepreneurs it is at 15% for the two first years of activity.
Why should I incorporate my company in Spain?
- Over the last few years, Spain has put in place several reforms, in particular about the labour market, bank sector or bankruptcy laws.
- Infrastructures are effective.
- Spain is a very attractive destination for tourism.
- The country improved companies financial situation.
- Spain becomes more competitive thanks to the development of its exporting sectors.
Which difficulties can be encountered in Spain?
- In Spain, a lot of small companies are under productive.
- The country unicity is weakened because of separatist movements, for instance in Catalonia.
- Private and public debt is very high.
Which are the cultural specificities of the world of work in Spain?
- For greetings, it is common to shake hands. When you know well someone, you can gentley tap them on the arm.
- Being on a first name term comes around very quickly.
- It is normal to talk about private life.
- During a professional lunch, it is uncommon to talk about business. It is a moment devoted to social interactions.
- Dress code is formal.
- It is important to be punctual.